Winter is coming. Freezing and rainy mornings, where you struggle to get out of that cozy warm bed is going to be the norm before you head out to the gym. This may make getting warmed up prior to your exercise session a bit of challenge. Even more so if your train out a warehouse gym like a crossfit box.
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Sharing great advise and information on all things fitness, weight loss, strength and Olympic weightlifting
Watch the video to learn what to do when your weight loss progress is stalling.
Read MoreWatch the video to learn on how to get flexible through movement.
Read MoreWatch the video to learn the difference between weight loss and toning.
Read MoreIn short yes exercise can be used to help manage depression. However it is context specific and exercise intervention is best used along side other interventions.
Read MoreSo you want to start the wonderful journey of getting fit and healthy but you have tried the gym many of times or attempted the vast range of exercise dvd’s without any success. What if I told you the gym is not the only place where you can get fit and toned, that there is other options. In come sport, anything from rock climbing to netball and ice-skating is a great way to start getting yourself more active.
Read MoreDid you know that your weight can fluctuate by a couple kgs quite easily over a day or two without you actually gaining or losing any body fat. Scales only weigh you as a whole, it can not tell the difference between fat, water, bone and muscle. The only way to know for a certain you losing bodyfat is through bodyfat testing methods that is for another blog. There is 5 main factors (4 if you are male) that can make your weight fluctuate without you making changes to your fat or muscle contentThese are;
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