Personal Training
Based in a semi-private Pt studio based in Derby, Derbyshire. Work with an experienced personal trainer to achieve your weight loss, strength and fitness goals. Specialising in strength training, weight loss and toning. Training clients from all around derby and derbyshire including from belper, ilkeston, ripley and duffield. Supercharge your health and fitness results, get stronger, fitter and more toned.
Ashley Foster Personal Trainer Derby
Call 07426311743 to book your free no obligation consultation or email me.

I offer personal training in Derby located in a semi-private PT gym (The Base, Enterprise Way, Derby).
Where you not only can learn the correct exercise techniques but also learn how to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle using strategies that fit you. With personal training you will achieve you fitness, strength and weight loss goals at a much faster pace then going at it alone.
I will teach you about nutrition and how to eat a healthy diet (don't worry it's not just salad). Within a couple of PT sessions I have no doubt you will have a better understanding of nutrition and weight management.
I don't believe in one size fits all approach neither do we believe you have to be on it 100% all the time, after all life can get in the way. However what we can do is work together and develop strategies to lead you to your fitness, weight loss, strength goals. Ashley Foster Personal Trainer Derby can;
Help you get better and faster results
With personal training you get access to vast amount of knowledge that will help you hit you fitness, weight loss and strength targets faster. Why? You ask. Well instead of searching across the internet where there is a lot of false or out of context information, you won’t have to trial and error your way to your targets. You will have a road map given to you of what works.
Learn how to lift free-weights in a safe environment
Weights doesn’t have to be scary, with the right techniques, it is one of the safest exercises you can do. Also it is one of the most effective forms of exercise for weight loss, getting toned and for getting strong. Weights isn’t just for men either, women can certainly get strong and you don’t even have to gain that much muscle. Strength can be hidden in a small frame.
PT sessions will help you get fitter, gain more strength and be more toned
With having a personal trainer that specialises in strength training and sports performance, you will have the expertise on hand that will get you strong, cardiovascular fit and toned in an effective and fun way. Who knows, you might just start saying fitness is fun.
Help you establish a lifetime exercise habit
I will teach you ways to help you maintain exercising and healthy eating that you can carry on with after you have finished personal training.
Improve sport performance
I will teach you how to structure you training in a month to month and year to year fashion to help your get your best performance from your sport, whatever sport or level that may be. I will help you identify what fitness qualities you need for your sport or position (if you compete in a team sport) and work with you to structure the training in a way that develops those qualities at the appropriate times in the sporting year.
Reduce chance of injury
With learning on how to perform all exercises properly, how to choose load (weights) and how to structure your training and gym time. You will greatly reduce your chance of injury.
Overcome plateaus
One of the reasons why you may stall in your progress in your fitness goals is that you may be under-working or even overworking. I can help to identify if that is the case and implement strategies to help you start making progress in your fitness again.
Reasonably priced but with top quality service
Sessions are £35 a session which you get engaging sessions in a semi-private gym with no waiting for equipment. As well as support outside the sessions with a full programme and nutrition support. There is also 30 minutes available for the price of £19
30 Minutes sessions
Don’t have time to do an hour at a time? Or would you like a more budget friendly session to keep on top of your technique? 30 minutes are ideal for these circumstances as well for people whose health may not allow for 1 hour sessions. The typical 30 min personal training session structure would be a short warm up, a small strength section and a circuit. For 30 mins the price is £19 and includes all the additional support outside of the personal training sessions.
The option of doing personal training with a friend
Do you need even more motivation? Training with a friend is a great option for that little extra push and more accountability. Sessions are a total of £45 a session (£22.50 each), payable in blocks of 4.
Private studio gym
Step away from the commercial gyms and come and get trained in a semi-private personal training studio, where you can learn without having to worry about who is watching you or worrying about looking silly when you make a mistake. In-fact we encourage mistakes (as long as it is safe), it is how we learn
If you feel like taking a sneak peak at my coaching/personal training process then feel free to listen to the interview below that I did for BBC Radio Derby.
Call 07426311743 or email me
to book your FREE consultation
In the consultation I want to find out more about your fitness aims and goals, any current/previous injuries and previous exercise experience (if any). After which if you choose to start personal training then an exercise and training programme can be specifically written for your goals, strength and weaknesses. Then the real work of personal training sessions can start.
Winter is coming. Freezing and rainy mornings, where you struggle to get out of that cozy warm bed is going to be the norm before you head out to the gym. This may make getting warmed up prior to your exercise session a bit of challenge. Even more so if your train out a warehouse gym like a crossfit box.